[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1503082499176{margin-top: 20px !important;}”]Becoming a Partner with Urban Transformation Network (UTN), means that your faith based or other not-for-profit organization is concerned about the youth and adults of urban communities and your organization will be able to participate in UTN’s two primary programs: (1) Discounted Products Purchasing Program that allows your Supporters and your organization to purchase UTN’s Discounted Products, thus your organization would receive a donation ranging from 4% to 7% a month, based upon the dollar value of your “Supporters” and your organization’s purchases; and (2) The Youth Gardening and Nutrition Education Program for the youth of your organization’s community.
Urban Transformation Network is a not-for-profit organization and a network of faith based and other not-for-profit organizations, dedicated to enriching their communities and creating growth amongst the people that reside in them. Through education on nutrition, and expanding access to healthier food options, UTN strives to create a positive impact and inspire change.
Urban Transformation Network’s mission is to enrich urban communities by growing and providing safe, quality, fresh, and locally grown produce. This is done through revitalizing vacant lots and buildings into productive community gardens, transforming damaged lots in urban communities into green spaces, creating jobs and instilling hope.
Donations of 4% TO 7% to your organization for
Supporters and your organization’s purchases of UTN Discounted Products
By becoming a Partner with UTN, you will be entitled to have supporters of your organization purchase discounted goods from UTN. Your organization will receive a contribution from UTN of from 4% to 7%, a month, of the total dollar value of all discounted products, purchased by your supporters, during a calendar year period, using the following scale:
• $1.00 to $500 – 4% of the gross amount ordered for the month.
• $501 to $1,000 – 5% of the gross amount ordered for the month.
• $1,001 to $2,000 – 6% of the gross amount ordered for the month.
• $2,000 and above – 7% of the gross amount ordered for the month.
Youth Gardening and Nutrition Education Program
When your organization becomes a Partner with Urban Transformation Network, you will qualify to participate in the Youth Gardening and Nutrition Education Program. The Youth Gardening and Nutrition Education Program is a program that educates the youth of your organization’s community about how to garden and eat nutritiously. The youth are taught to grow fresh crops such as tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, lettuce heads and more. The products grown are filled with health benefits that are not always available in urban communities. Through active participation with the community through your organization, UTN plans to reduce the risk of certain diseases that are associated with the lack of healthy food options. Through this Program, UTN promotes healthy lifestyle through education and dissemination of appropriate information.
The University of Illinois – Extension and Illinois Nutrition Education Programs, both of which promote heathy eating and physical activities for urban youth and adults, in order to have a positive impact on growth and development in the community, work closely with UTN to educate youth. UTN provides each Partner organization with the equipment and supplies needed for the program. The Partner organizations are only responsible for providing the youth, and to coordinate and administrate the program, so that it is properly managed
How Can An Organization Become A Partner
An organization can become a Partner with Urban Transformation Network if it is a faith based or other organization, that is a not-for-profit organization under Internal Revenue Code, 501 © (3), or other IRS code sections that qualify it as a not-for-profit organization that can accept donations that can be deducted as charitable contributions. An application must be completed and submitted along with a copy of the Internal Revenue Service Exemption letter. An applicant may also submit its Sales Tax Exemption letter, in order to be exempted from sales taxes for purchases made by the organization. Once the application and exemption letter are submitted, then organizations are sent an email confirming receipt of the application and letter(s). The application and exemption letter(s) are reviewed and verified by UTN’s staff, and a recommendation for approval or denial is made to UTN’s President, for approval or denial. If an application is denied, then an email explaining why the application was denied will be sent to the organization. Organizations that are denied may re-submit another application for approval, after the reason for the denial has been cured. If an organization is approved as a UTN Partner, then the organization will receive an approval email with its UTN Code (UTNC). This code will be used by your Supporters each time they purchase UTN discounted products so that you may receive credit for their purchases towards your monthly donation from UTN.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_btn title=”START YOUR APPLICATION” color=”warning” size=”lg” align=”center” button_block=”true” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Furbantransformationfarms.com%2Fapplication%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]